Monday, 20 March 2017

Mental Ray Materials

Our task was to create a given list of materials using mental ray standard materials as a base

Here is my attempt below

I used mia material x passes as a base for metals and fast skin sss for skin and candle wax.

Thank you and comments are welcome and appreciated

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Render layers and passes

This was the shot given to me for this particular assignment

And this is my attempt at recreating this in maya below-

I have used both render layers and render passes to render the above  scene and then compiled them in photoshop

Render Layers

Render layers help in rendering a large scene or scenes with multiple lit objects.Each object can be separated and grouped into different layers and rendered to their particular render requirements

Render passes

Render passes render the  different attributes of a scene separately,such as Beauty pass,shadow pass,specular pass


Thanks and comments are welcome and appreciated

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Refractive caustics

When Light passes through any transparent media like glass or water it creates patterns which are known as Refractive caustics.

The above image is an example of refractive caustics

Here is my version of Refractive caustics below-

Rendered output

Thank you and comments are welcome ad appreciated

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Fight sequence animation

This is my first attempt at an action sequence animation. I have tried to recreate a fight sequence from the movie  drunken master 2. Hope u like it.
                                        Comments are welcome and appreciated

Monday, 27 February 2017

Explosion Effect

                        This is an exercise in dynamics created using 3d fluideffects

Comments are welcome and appreciated

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Character rigging - Part 1

This is a character rig in progress. This post shows the leg rig of the character.

The below screenshots show the different stages of the rig

The above screenshot shows the joints inserted to the legs

This one shows the IK handles for the joints

Shows the controls for the legs and knees

And this final screenshot shows the rig in action

Thank you and feedbacks are welcome and appreciated

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Final Gather

Final Gather is an indirect lighting method which illuminates a scene without the requirement of using a light. It is also a key to simulating realistic indirect illumination. Final gather uses the objects in a scene as the source of light.

The above image shows my scene where i created 3 simple characters using primitives and created
a setup for lighting.
 I placed 3 simple planes above the three characters respectively and added the primary colors(RGB) to them.
After enabling final gather, i adjusted the accuracy, point interpolation and primary diffuse scale to get an optimum output.

Rendered output

Thank you, comments are welcome and appreciated